miss you?

Who do you turn to when you have nobody to turn to?
Lately, I’ve found myself drifting. Trying, trying, trying, but drifting. My friends and I all made a pact before finishing highschool that we would keep in contact and be friends forever, but lately that idea seems to be becoming more and more of a distant memory.
I totally get that people have uni to attend, jobs to work and sports to play, but what I don’t get is not having one spare hour to meet up and chat. Or five spare minutes to send a text to see how you are.
It does get frustrating, because I sometimes feel as though I am making more of an effort than others. I’m always the one texting ‘Hey haven’t spoken in a while, how are you?’ or inviting ‘Dinner whenever anyone’s free next week?’ and it constantly seems like too much of an effort, like I’m being a hassle to them.
I don’t go to uni right now, so I don’t get that interaction with each other that they get. The only person I really get to see from highschool regularly is my boyfriend. Not that I’m complaining about that, because he is the one person who is there for me through thick and thin, and who makes time for me. I love that. I just wish my friends could do the same… 

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