Here's to 2014!

New Years. The one day of the year that we see an official day of new beginnings, limitless possibilities and countless opportunities. It is a day that we take to reflect on the year that has been, as well as look into what we aspire for the year ahead. I don’t have any of the traditional resolutions, to get fit, get a new job etc, but rather some more philosophically based ones, I suppose.

The first, to ensure that I live each moment to the fullest. It is true that you do not realize the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory, so this year I want to soak up each and every moment while it lasts.

The second, to be grateful. Seems easy and pretty self-explanatory, but I endeavor to ensure each and every day I recognize my countless blessings; my good health, roof over my head and amazing family and friends. I often fall victim to wishing and wanting things sometimes selfishly considering how lucky I am to have what I have. This year I want to try to completely minimize this.

Next, to not worry about what others think and know my true worth. This is a huge one for me, but I am going to try this year to do what makes me happy and just plain and simply be me, and not worry about what anybody else thinks about it. I aim to ooze confidence this year, with some good self-love and appreciation!

These hopes for the year ahead are especially important to me this year as this year I had my first encounter of death in my family. It demonstrated to me how quickly things can change and how fleetingly things can be taken away from you. I came to realize that life is something precious and that when that day of death does come, I want to be sure that I am proud of the life I lived, and have no regrets. This year, my main goal is to just be  HAPPY. Happy with myself as a person, and happy with the decisions I make. So here’s to 2014, let’s make it a good one!

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